I have been following Muffin Tin Monday posts for months now and I am so excited to finally join in! My son is 11 months old and only has 2 teeth so he's still limited on what he can eat, but we will do what we can. :-)
This week's theme is All About Me! What a perfect theme for our very first MTM!
First of all I picked a pumpkin shaped muffin tin because Dawson was born in October. (He was born 6 days before Halloween to be exact! That's right, my baby boy is going to be 1 year old in 3 short weeks!)
Dinosaur shaped pasta - Dawson LOVES dinosaurs! He even "rawrs" like a dinosaur when he sees one or if he hears the word "dinosaur." He's going to be a dinosaur for Halloween and I can't wait!
Meatballs - When Dawson was about 6 months old I started rolling a ball to him and he would throw it back to me! Now that he is 11 months old he is really good at throwing a ball and is even pretty good at catching it (when I roll it to him). He loves to play with balls. Even when he is playing by himself, he will throw the ball, chase it and then throw it again.
Carrots - There isn't really any meaning behind these, but he sure does love all vegetables!
Goldfish Crackers - "The snack that smiles back!" Dawson has always been a very happy and smiley baby. He can also make anybody around him smile, even strangers. :-)
Here are a few pictures that I took of him enjoying his lunch...
Does anybody want a cracker? He loves to share!
What about a drink?
Yum! That was messy, but good...
Oh, wait! He didn't try the pumpkin...
Head on over to Her Cup Overfloweth to see what others did for Muffin Tin Monday.
Great tin!
love the tin and congrats on your first tin!
How sweet! Congrats on your first tin! You did a super job! I can tell he loved it!
Great Tin! He enjoyed his first muffin tin monday. Good job!
Yay! I'm so excited that you joined in. :) Ashlyn hasn't had her tin yet, but soon. Love your first tin!
Welcome to Muffin Tin Monday! I love the Pumpkin tin....wondering where you found it. So cute!
I am so thrilled you decided to join in...Dawson just might be the youngest MTM'er ever!
Welcome to MTM! I have been eyeing that pumpkin tin everytime I go to the store, I really just need to break down and buy it.
awww so cute! welcome to mtm! cute tin
Looks like he enjoyed it:-).
LOVE your pumpkin tin too!
Welcome to MTM!!
So cute! You did a great job! Where did you get that adorable muffin tin??
So fun! Cute pictures!
I got the muffin tin at Walmart. I have also seen some really cute and scary ones at Michaels. :-)
Where did you get that O-So-Cute tin? I love it! Welcome to MTM very good first tin!
What a cutie! Two of my boys have October bdays, too. Great job and welcome to MTM!
Okay, you've inspired me to do a tin for my 18 mo old next week. I thought he'd be too young but judging by how much Dawson seems to have enjoyed it, I'm going to give it a go. But I'll have my broom & mop handy! Great job :).
Your tin is darling! I have a little guy about the same age and we're just starting MTM with him, too.
Awww! How cute. Looks like he enjoyed it. :) I need to start that with the girls, I bet they would love it.
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