Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - He's Quick

Pin It now! I can't turn my back for even a second!

See more Wordless Wednesday posts at 5 minutes for Mom and 3 Kids and Us.


Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! This happened twice to a friend of mine yesterday!! :) Ah the joys of motherhood -- just wait until you are potty training and you have to teach them - just a few squares hunny!!! not the whole roll!!

Cat@3KidsandUs said...

LMAO I love it when they do that. See we don't have that problem anymore because our toddler already broke off the little bars the rolls hang on. We figured we'd replace them after our youngest is through the toddler stage.

Amanda said...

Oh man do I know that feeling well! He can even be sitting right next to me and do the craziest things. I can't even count how many times he's gotten a hold of the toliet paper...lol!

Run DMT said...

FUN! My y.o. still empties my toilet roll like that! UGH! No rest for the weary when she's around. :-P

Christina said...

Very cute. Ashlyn started doing that a couple of weeks ago, too!

Liz Mays said...

It really is a fascinating toy!

Susie said...

Sometimes, it's like there are 3 of him, doesn't it?

Olivia said...

Definitely had that happen here too!

Anonymous said...

How do they do that??? I always ponder and ponder!!

Chocolate Lover said...

Hahahaha. Very cute!
Visiting from SITS

Hanging Off The Wire said...

Looks familiar! :)

Anonymous said...

ahahaha! Dawson. He is so funny. Always keeping you on the go!!! :)

Anonymous said...

I have this same problem at my house. Thanks for stopping by JDaniel4's Mom.

Allison Vaughn said...

Toddlers are FANTASTIC, aren't they? LOL!!! Carli hasn't done this trick yet (knock on wood) but she does like stealing books and cds! :)

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