Friday, January 18, 2013

Peter Pan Family Movie Tickets!

I thought I had posted these when we had our Peter Pan Movie night but I guess I forgot. I got an email yesterday from somebody who is having a Peter Pan movie night soon and wanted to use the tickets so I figured I better post them! :)

If you would like to use them just right click on the ticket to save to your computer and then you can print them. If you post pictures of them in your blog please link back to me. :) Thank you and enjoy!

And this is kind of random but my niece's 9th birthday is tomorrow. Happy birthday Hailee-bug!! We're going to see Taylor Swift in June (me, my mom, my sister Arika, my sister Brandee, and my niece Hailee) but we don't have actual tickets, they are electronic tickets, we just have to swipe our card that we bought the tickets with when we go to the concert and that prints us a ticket at the door to get us in. A little strange but that's what we did when we went to Disney on Ice a couple of months ago and it works so whatever. Anyway, Hailee doesn't know we got tickets to Taylor Swift yet. Her mom is giving her the tickets tonight at her birthday party. So excited!! But like I just explained we don't have actual tickets so I made these for my sister to give her. She is going to be so excited!!! They turned out pretty cute so I thought I would share. :)


  1. I'm definitely bookmarking these for when Peter Pan is released from the vault! And I will have it on my Disney Friday Favorites for next week. :) I love them!

  2. thanks a lot! i posted this here: and there:
