Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Little Stinker

I've got a funny story that I'd like to share. Yesterday morning after I changed Dawson's diaper we went into the kitchen and I gave him some milk in a sippy and started making breakfast. He drank a little bit, threw the sippy on the floor and then started hanging on my leg. He was making it really hard for me to move around so I told him to go get his drink. He actually listened and let go of my leg! About a minute later I heard him giggling behind me. I turned around to see what he was doing and he was laying on his belly licking up a drop or 2 of milk that had dripped out of his sippy onto the kitchen floor. It was so funny! And his little giggle made it even funnier! It was a I'm-proud-of-myself giggle.

Little things like that (and many other things!) I hope I never forget. I'm sure as time goes on, I will forget and that's one reason why I love to blog!


  1. lol! I think it's a boy 2 year old still does that kind of stuff and my family encouraged the behavior by egging him on to lick his birthday cake like a dog!

  2. lol. i wouldve freaked out.hehe...

  3. Something Mouse will do as well! They are so cute, and I am also constantly thinking that I do not want to forget any little detail. They grow up so fast and it is amazing to see how they develop and learn. Enjoy your beautiful son!

  4. my boy always finds the most disgusting things to do--eats food off the floor (sometimes not even our floor! eeew!), licks the ice at the iceskating rink, eats the bubbles off the mat at gymboree....just wait!
