Monday, December 7, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday - Christmas Morning

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

This week's Muffin Tin Monday theme is Christmas Morning. Of course that meant that Dawson had to eat breakfast in some cute Christmas pajamas. (I bought these pajamas at the beginning of November...I'm one of those people that don't mind that they put Christmas stuff out super early!)

Top: Pancakes shaped like Christmas trees and candy canes
bananas (lets pretend they're presents...)
pear yogurt with red and green sprinkles (Christmas snow!)

I usually don't give Dawson yogurt to feed himself because he is not very good at using a spoon yet and it just makes a big mess. I was hoping that he would all of a sudden be a pro at using a spoon, or maybe even let me feed it to him even though it was sitting right in front of him, but neither of those happened.

He started out ok...
But things quickly got messy...

I finally had to take the spoon away because yogurt was flying everywhere. But how was he supposed to eat his yogurt without a spoon? Well, if you read my post yesterday, you'll know that Dawson is pretty good at figuring out what he has to do to get whatever he is trying to eat or drink...

Yep, he started licking his tin.

He was a mess at the end, but still so darn cute! And he just about ate every last bite! (Notice the yogurt on his forehead *lol*)

To see what others did for Muffin Tin Monday this week, visit Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. Wow! He knows how to clean a tin! I like the pancakes.

  2. Great tin! I love how he was in pj, didn't think of that. Great work!

  3. So cute! I love how he just got right down there to lick it! ADORABLE!

  4. How cute he is! I loved the little Christmas tree pancakes!

  5. Love the pictures of him feeding himself! So cute! Great tin!

  6. He is so CUTE! Dropping by from SITStas to wish you and your family a wonderful Holiday!

  7. I MISS those days! I used to feed my two naked, much easier to clean; let the dog have a good old lick then a dunk in the sink. Sorted.

  8. So precious! I want to eat breakfast from a muffin tin!

  9. Your little stinker is just adorable. Really. So cute. I love him. Have a wonderful holiday season. Thanks for sharing your life, great read.


  10. Oh how cute. :-)
    Such a lovely way to spend breakfast. And I read yesterday's post about him getting the milk. Those are the memories to treasure...

  11. Should have thought about having them wear Christmas pajamas. Even though we technically had ours at lunchtime. :-)

  12. your little guy is just the cutest!

  13. Really - how very, very cute!!! And ... I bought my little guys' Christmas pj's last January - hee hee! Anyhow - what a darling tin and what an even more darling boy!
