Monday, November 9, 2009

Finished Fall Art Project

Last week I posted our first fall art project, but it wasn't quite finished yet. It had a tree, some leaves, the sun and then there was a big blank space just waiting to be filled and we did that last night.

I traced Dawson's hand again and this time it turned out a lot better!!! Last week he was pretty much holding his fingers together and was giving me a hard time when I tried to trace it. I found his weakness... Football. I laid him down on the couch, turned on the Broncos game and then grabbed my paper and pencil. He was so into watching the TV that he let me trace his hand, no problem. He really is just like his dad!

Here is what we used this week:

Construction paper, scissors, pencil, markers, glue, a googly eye and not pictured...Dawson's hand. ;-)

And here is what we added...

*drum roll please*

Aww! It's a turkey! :-)

And it looks fabulous on our fridge:

(I had to include the postcards that dada has sent Dawson so far. One is from Yokosuka, Japan and the other one is from Singapore. We should be getting one from Bahrain any day now. We miss you, dada!)

I'm having a lot of fun making stuff with Dawson's handprints. And I just love how cute it turned out. I have 2 more handprint projects on my to-do list. I'm excited to see how those ones turn out as well.


  1. I love it! I'm going to see if I can get my little guys to do this!

  2. I've been doing lots of stuff with Ashlyn's handprint, too. I made a turkey a few days ago and still need to post it on my blog! Your picture is super cute!

  3. Those look cute next to each other!

    I made the tree with my 2 year old last night...he loved it ~ great idea! I'll post it tomorrow so you can see it.

  4. Very cute! Love the little handprints!

  5. So cute. I love kids art with their handprints.

  6. Just darling!!! You are being such a good mommy! Thank you so much for your and your hubs dedication to our country!

    My hubby was in Bahrain for a trip once - The Pearl of the something - I think it is called...

    I just wanted to thank you for making my SIT's Day special!

    Blessings to you,

    Lana @

  7. This is really adorable, worth framing :)

  8. That is a great project. So cute. Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thanks foor sharing your post :)
