Monday, November 12, 2012

Brave Movie Night Tickets!

I'm still here! Not often, but here. Eventually I'll have this blog up and running again. I hope.

Anyway, I got an email requesting Brave movie night tickets so I made some! :) We are SO excited to buy Brave on blu-ray this Tuesday!!! I've even got it written on our calendar, you know, in case I forget or something... ;)

I plan on having a mini family movie night on Tuesday, nothing too crazy or anything but I want to do something fun with the kids. Hubby will be working that night but I might have my sister over to watch it with us. I'll post about what we do!

Feel free to use this ticket for your own family movie night. If you blog about it, please link back to me.  (And please send me the link to your post because I'd love to see how your movie night was!) :)

See ya real soon!


  1. Yay! :) We are definitely going to be buying Brave tomorrow (kinda have to, right? lol). We're not sure if it will be a Christmas present or not, though. It would be hard to not open it up and watch it right away. :)

  2. Oh, and I'm including a link to these on tomorrow's post on my Disney blog. :)
