Monday, October 18, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - No Theme

Hello strangers! It's been awhile since we've had lunch in a muffin tin and after today I am wondering why I stopped doing it?! Dawson ate so much better today than he has in a long time. It might have just been a fluke, he does have good days every now and then, but I think the muffin tin helped. I guess the only way to know for sure is to keep trying.

So this week there is no theme for muffin tin Monday and I was too lazy to come up with a theme of my own so I just put together some foods that I know Dawson likes.

Top Row: cheese stick broke in half, strawberries, white cheddar popcorn
Bottom Row: chicken tenders, ranch for dipping, fries

The only thing that he didn't finish was the strawberries and a couple of fries. I was a little surprised that he didn't eat the strawberries because he loves them...he tried dipping one in the ranch (he actually dipped everything except the popcorn in the ranch) and I don't think he liked it and that's probably why he didn't eat them. He loved the cheese dipped in ranch. Yuck! *lol* But at least he ate well today! :)

To join in and see what others did for Muffin Tin Monday this week head on over and visit Muffin Tin Mom!


  1. I don't think I would like strawberries with ranch either. I love the tin. I love the monkey bib too.

  2. I'm so glad he ate well with the muffin tin! I never did get around to doing it this week... but I'm excited for the Halloween theme next week! :) Oh, I never told you... Ashlyn is officially eating at the table in a booster seat. We're going to be giving away the high chair soon. I can't believe how quickly they're growing up!

  3. Love your pumpkin shaped tin and I love cheese in ranch dressing..well on my salads at Love the expression on his face, cute pic, yummy tin :)

  4. My kids always seem to eat well when their food is in a tin and they also love dipping everything in ranch dressing!

  5. Love the pumpkin tin! It seems most kids love dipping things in ranch dressing!
