Monday, May 17, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday - Birds and Nests

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Happy Monday! This week's MTM theme is Birds and Nests. Here is what we came up with:

Top Row: trees (steamed broccoli & cheese), nest (shredded cheese), worms (chicken noodle)
Bottom Row: birds! (chickadees crackers), bird eggs (blueberries), more worms (chicken noodle)

Dawson helped me decide what was going to go in his tin this week. Sorta. As I was putting it together I put some shredded carrots in for the nest even though I pretty much knew he wasn't going to eat them. As soon as I finished putting it together he ran into the kitchen and said "cheese!" And then a light bulb went off. Thanks Dawson! You'll definitely eat shredded cheese, so I swapped out the carrots for cheese. :)

He ate a little bit of everything except for the broccoli, he wouldn't even try that. I think we are going to try broccoli again next week for the Seeds, Plants and Flowers theme.

Dawson has been sitting in a booster at the table with us for the last 2 weeks or so because we realized his high chair had been recalled. We called the company and they are sending us a part to fix the problem but we haven't gotten it yet. I think by the time it does get here he isn't going to want to sit in his high chair anymore since he has been at the table for awhile now. I guess we'll see.

To see what others did this week for Muffin Tin Monday head on over and visit Muffin Tin Mom.


  1. We still havae the high chair in the kitchen, but JDaniel spends most of his time in his booster seat. I love the worm idea. JDaniel eats broccoli when it is called trees. I hope Dawson likes trees.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. good morning, i've nominated you for the versatile blogger award :)

  4. wow my boys would love the worms.

  5. Nice tin, and I really like your sponge bob placemat :-)

  6. Great tin! The worms were a great idea. :)

  7. Great tin!! I love the worms!

  8. Oh, I didn't even think about having noodle worms and broccoli trees!

  9. What a sweet child. He shows all the signs of becoming a great eater. I love your "tin" idea and will pass it on to my daughters. I hope yu are having a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

  10. I love the worms - what a good idea! Very fun tin, I haven't seen those chickidee crackers - very cute!

  11. I had such a hard time thinking of ideas. Your tun looks great.
    So far I only really give out daughter a tin. If it comes to him on a plate or in a bowl, my son turns it upside down. How do you do it? My son just turned 1. Does this mean that there is light at the end of the tunnel? :o)

  12. Great tin! - You just reminded me I bought some blueberries - oh well - blueberry smoothies tomorrow!

  13. So cute. :) I'll have to keep this in mind for when I'm mommy someday. Love the muffin tin idea.

  14. That looks good to me. I would have eaten the little trees. I love broccoli. Very cute idea.

  15. LOVE your blog! You always make me smile!

  16. I would not have thought to use a muffin tin like that.

  17. "Worms" cute and I love the bird shaped crackers!

  18. What a neat idea! My picky eater is 9 and heck, it might be right up her alley!
    Stopped by from SITS today.

  19. Great idea...bird's nests. Love it! Gotta love those chicken noodle worms.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner
