Monday, November 2, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday - Outer Space

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

This week's Muffin Tin Monday theme is Outer Space! I really couldn't think of much to do this week, but I think our tin turned out pretty good.

Starting at the top: Moon (cheese quesadilla), Sun (also a cheese quesadilla)
Bottom Row: Spaceship (mini marshmallows), Stars (star-shaped chicken noodle soup) and Asteroids (blueberries)

Dawson's favorite was the cheese quesadillas. He's never had one before, but now that I know how much he likes them, I'm going to have to start making them for him more often. :-)

The stars were everywhere by the time he was finished. I tried feeding them to him with a spoon, but he stole the spoon from me.

Thanks for stopping by! :-)

To see what others did for this week's MTM head on over to Her Cup Overfloweth.


  1. I love it! Very cool that he liked the quesadillas so much. I'm going to give Ashlyn one soon now that she ate some cheese and liked it today. :) Very cute. And I love your new layout.

  2. That is cool that he liked the quesadillas! Great pictures! Wonderful muffin tin meal!

  3. What a cute thing to do! That makes eating so much more fun:)

  4. Your tin turned out great! The marshmallow spaceship turned out so cute. Love the smiles the meal brought =).

  5. Your whole tin looks great!

  6. Great ideas! I like the before and after pictures. :)

  7. That is so cute. Obviously he loved it!

  8. So cute! I've always thought quesadillas would be a hit with my kids but they never seem to like them. Maybe I should turn them into moon and sun quesadillas. :-)

  9. How cool! He is such a cutie pie!!!

  10. Very cute ... what a good little eater ... I have a little guy that age and he's my best eater yet - so fun!

  11. That's adorable! I have seen that idea around and think it's so dang cute!!!!!!

    Thanks SO much for sharing in my SITS day last week!
